Couple/Marriage Counselling
We are all so different and sometimes unaware of other people’s feelings. ‘My partner doesn’t understand me’. ‘We don’t talk.’ ‘We don’t have fun!’. Sometimes we know we are ‘pushing buttons’. Sometimes it is on a deeper psychological level. If two people want to work on a relationship having counselling can help. Do we really understand our partners needs? Do we really listen?
Relationships breakdown for numerous reasons.
One partner has an affair – how can trust be rebuilt? This is something that counselling can help with.
One partner has a new job; they change! A new baby arrives – we can then neglect each other! How do we resolve difficult issues that arise? Counselling helps look at compromises and ways to bring fun into the relationship again.
Communication – lack of good communication can have very adverse affects on relationships. Again, in counselling we look at ways of improving communication.
Issues covered in counselling
• Unfaithfulness
• Rebuilding Trust
• Feeling Unloved/unimportant/rejected